November 14, 2016

Hemorrhoids Stop Apple Cider Vinegar

Hemorrhoids Stop Apple Cider Vinegar

In a previous article , I have already talked briefly about apple cider vinegar (ACV) and the healing effect. However, in this article I want to talk extensively about apple cider vinegar because it works so well against hemorrhoids.
There are many types of natural remedies for hemorrhoids and if you prefer not to traditional treatments to start (because of the confrontation in seeking help), natural remedies may offer a solution.
Personally I'm a big advocate of natural resources against physical problems. This is because the natural approach often associated with unpleasant side effects and chemicals, while its healthy solutions such as this apple cider vinegar remedy, often not only good for a single disease, but they have a positive effect on overall health.

health Benefits

The beauty of ACV is that it has been used for centuries against fatigue and other symptoms. Today, apple cider vinegar used for skin problems, yeast infections and even hemorrhoids. This is because apple cider vinegar contains unique ingredients to reduce health quickly.
Personally, I first came into contact with apple cider vinegar when I was faced with skin problems. I was at "The Gardens" and saw a bottle of organic ACV and decided to try it. Since then I have always a bottle in the house and I take it regularly because of the clearly noticeable health benefits.
It is so good for us because it is full of important enzymes, nutrients and acids (if you can not good against acid, beware!). You can use both internally and externally and it is a good solution to hemorrhoids. Many people consider apple cider vinegar even as the ultimate cure for hemorrhoids.
It is important to note that not every kind of apple cider vinegar is the same. Particularly in the treatment of hemorrhoids you need to have the right because otherwise you are not getting the desired results. Many of the brands ACV normal supermarket have been edited in a variety of ways, such as by filtering and pasteurization in order to make the whole less turbid, and to extend shelf life.
Unfortunately, this process ensures that lost the important enzymes and nutrients. Personally, I have made this mistake a long time, '' 'ACV edited "in place of the organic when I no longer pulled at the Gardens.

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

It is much better to buy natural organic apple cider vinegar without adding substances and agents. You can distinguish when explicitly state '' organic '' and the bottom is muddy. You can get the organic variant at better health food shops, but always ask whether it is 100% organic!
Obviously ACV can also get online, but here I personally have no experience. To tackle hemorrhoids can ACV use both internal and external hemorrhoids and even acute / bleeding hemorrhoids.

You can take ACV internally and because of the good enzymes and vital nutrients you get less from wrong bacteria in the digestive tract. This makes the stool will run more smoothly. It is important to dilute ACV with water. Personally, I take the occasional glass of water with 1 up to 2 drops of ACV
Fortunately, you can apply apple cider vinegar directly on the hemorrhoid. ACV when you're going to put you use a cotton cloth / pad and there a little ACV to do together with a little water to dilute it.
" A good tip is to always dilute ACV with water, otherwise it is too acidic!"
Then on the hemorrhoid and the environment are of print for 10 to 15 seconds. This process you can repeat three times daily until decrease swelling and itching. Often the hemorrhoid would be the next day should have been significantly less!
Another good tip is to take a warm bath with a little cup of apple cider vinegar for about 15 to 25 minutes. You would have to experience almost immediate relief from symptoms. When you have a lot of problems with hemorrhoids, you can take a bath several times a day with ACV. Take a bath is important in all cases, if you suffer from hemorrhoids to keep everything clean and to relieve the pain.

Side effects

Generally, there are no side effects during normal use of ACV. Only when extreme amounts may cause symptoms. In addition, is not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation ACV. Also, apple cider vinegar can be used for internal influence the effect of medication. If you are unsure, you better consult with a physician.


Apple cider vinegar is definitely top of the list of natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Make sure that you take the organic variety because the enzymes and nutrients. You can use ACV for both internal and external hemorrhoids. The only side effect can be when applying a mild burning sensation.
For more tips on natural hemorrhoids, take a look at 

How to feel hemorrhoids?

What do hemorrhoids look like? Hemorrhoids pictures / photos

Schaamte gezicht. voor aambeien 

We talk about it all not really about, let alone show the other people. The latter is also a little "not done". Like any other illness, you run not for sale with the condition hemorrhoids . These are now once a place that 99% of the day is not visible to others.
The chance that you developed hemorrhoids (1 x in your life) is quite large. So it is important that you know exactly what you're dealing with. In this article I'll give you a few examples of how you can recognize hemorrhoids. I will do this using a number of hemorrhoids pictures and a description of how they feel! Here I will make a distinction between internal and external hemorrhoids

How to feel hemorrhoids?

Internal hemorrhoids can not really feel stuck with your finger. However, when this may be tangible or be pushed out during bowel movements. When internal hemorrhoids to be pressed in, it makes a lot of pain!
External hemorrhoids can always feel with your finger. It feels like it big and swollen his address around your anus. Every time you touch it will give you a painful feeling.
Often because it does a lot of pain and since you can not see it, it feels as if the hemorrhoids are enormous. In most cases this will be easy. Below are some pictures and hemorrhoids. Again, I will make a distinction between internal and external hemorrhoids!

Pictures and images of internal / external hemorrhoids

Below three dozen photographs of internal hemorrhoids together. I have deliberately chosen to keep the photos in a drawing-like style so i palatable for every audience!

Below three pictures of external hemorrhoids!

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These are just a number of places of hemorrhoids. The sagging may also manifest itself in another way! In addition, you will probably see an especially hemorrhoids daily.
Even if you have them yourself, you will probably only feel!

November 3, 2016

Cure Hemorrhoids With Natural Remedies

Cure Hemorrhoids With Natural Remedies

If you regularly suffer from hemorrhoids you know of course how annoying and painful they are. Luckily they usually returns to go away, but there are many resources to promote healing.
Personally I am a big advocate of natural resources because they get everywhere and have no unpleasant side effects. In this article I will discuss my own natural remedies to effectively remove hemorrhoids.

coconut oil

kokosnootolie I am very much in favor of coconut oil and have already written an article on the treatment of fungal infections and even herpes . But coconut oil also works against hemorrhoids?
Scientifically there is no proof, but many people swear by coconut oil because of the '' good fats'.
Many people think that coconuts are not healthy because they consist of 85% saturated fats. However, the saturated fat in coconut oil are not animal, so they are not so bad for you! Thereby promoted coconut oil your good cholesterol, and it is a strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent.
Even more important is the fact that coconut oil can prevent clogging. Many people with hemorrhoids have a problem with digestion and a few teaspoons of organic coconut oil per day can definitely fix it.
Finally, you can apply coconut oil directly on the hemorrhoid with a cotton pad. Simply every day 2x times over a few days. This alone should be enough to reduce the dry rough feeling.
Remember to always take organic extra virgin coconut oil!

Apple cider vinegar

appel cider azijn A rather are known of course means apple cider vinegar and this can be obtained from the health food store. As a health researcher I often this remedy as a solution to various problems.
  Apple cider vinegar is used primarily for skin conditions.
When hemorrhoids, the agent itself is also proven by applying it directly on the hemorrhoid. According to many, this is the number one cure for hemorrhoids on the market.
It is recommended to also apply a few drops of apple cider vinegar on a path after taking a bath. It may be that after making what is going to feel, but it should not take too long. It is best to repeat this process several times a day until the pain is gone and the hemorrhoid has shrunk.

dietary Fiber

One of the underlying causes of recurring hemorrhoids, is a problem with your digestion . Because the stool is not smooth creates a lot of unnecessary pressure and can hemorrhoids occur.
To overcome this problem (even with existing hemorrhoids), it is important to provide additional support to your digestive system.
A good resource for this are dietary fiber. Dietary fiber work best in combination with water. It is therefore particularly important to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
Now there are two different types of fiber. The so-called soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Digestible dietary fiber can be completely dissolved by the body. Think of rye, oats, carrots etc. Insoluble fiber can not be resolved and leave with the bowel movement the body.
My personal favorite insoluble fiber flax seed and I take every day some of this to keep my smooth bowel movement.
Below is a chart showing the different types of dietary fiber. The rule is to slowly build up the amount of fiber to strengthen your digestion.
Suddenly too much fiber food can backfire. If you've never really gotten into much fiber your system needs to get used to here!

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