October 28, 2016

Treat hemorrhoids

treat hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids treatment is a subject that is not talked about much.
Many people prefer to keep it for themselves and will not easily talk to their colleagues, friends or family.
That is unfortunate because having hemorrhoids can be hugely unpleasant and disturbing.
This can lead to embarrassing situations at work or in private life. Especially if you do not bring dare to go to the doctor.
And did you know that 1 in 2 people in their lives sometimes get short of hemorrhoids? So it's very common.
Do not keep it running around with shame because that's really not necessary.
In this article we discuss how hemorrhoids occur, what you can do against it and of course how hemorrhoids treat, cure and prevent process works.
You no longer have to sit on the blisters with these practical tips.
treat hemorrhoids

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are also called hemorrhoids.
They can appear from one day to another, but you can also have hemorrhoids without knowing it.
In the rectum, also known as the rectum, which is just above the anus, contains so-called erectile tissue.
These erectile function as a sort of cushion and help you contain your stool.
Hemorrhoids are swollen and erectile tissue which are saggy. The blood vessels are stretched or created.
The hemorrhoids are in a tangle in the channel for the anus and around the anus. They are actually inflamed veins in the rectum.
There are two types of hemorrhoids:
Internal hemorrhoids are in the rectum. This you can not see or feel. So they cause are not always symptoms and treat hemorrhoids may therefore not necessarily required.
Internal hemorrhoids can jacking come out during bowel movements and bleeding. 
External hemorrhoids are located under the skin around the anus. These are often very painful, especially during bowel movements.
They are sensitive, give itching and irritation and a burning sensation. Sometimes it is accompanied by mucus or blood loss (during defecation).
Some people suffer from hemorrhoids for years.
Before we move on to the topic of treating hemorrhoids "it is valuable to know more about the causes of hemorrhoids ...

Causes of Hemorrhoids

causes of hemorrhoids There are several causes of hemorrhoids.
Often arise hemorrhoids because constipation (constipation) is squeezed too hard during bowel movements. In a difficult bowel movements have hemorrhoids more likely.
A diet with enough fiber often causes difficulty passing stools.
But there could be several reasons:
  • Adrenal Exhaustion (often by too much stress), causing moisture interferes started to fluid retention in the body and tissues. This leads to swelling.
  • Blood accumulation in the abdomen and pelvis.
  • Many and long lasting so stagnant bowel movement.
  • Overweight.
  • A diet with too much sugar. Sugar causes inflammation.
  • During pregnancy, many women suffer from hemorrhoids due to increased pressure on the veins.
  • Liver disease.
  • Anal sex can sometimes cause disturbances to the rectum.
Middle-aged people are more affected by hemorrhoids. The tissues around your anus are more weak and stretched.

How do you treat hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids treatment: if you suffer from hemorrhoids, it is important to ease the pain, to stop any bleeding and to ensure that shrink the hemorrhoids.
Of course you want in a hygienic, safe, natural and preferably not too expensive way to treat your hemorrhoids and heal.

treat hemorrhoids at home itself

Some people may want yourself in the comfort of their own home treat hemorrhoids. There are gels, creams, ointments and suppositories available without a prescription at the pharmacy or drugstore.
These often include hydrocortisone and hazelnut in order to relieve the itching and the pain.
Hemorrhoids would then have to be, in principle, healed within a week.
Use the product for more than a week without consulting a doctor, because they are often not good for your skin.
Take frequent hot bath or purchase a sitz bath for your toilet. Do not use soap. Dry the skin around the anus gently, eg with a hair dryer.
You can also place a cold compress on the affected area.
Do not go too long standing or sitting but try to walk out pieces.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids is not advisable in connection with the pressure to lift heavy items.
Are you pregnant and you suffer from hemorrhoids? Try sleeping on your side; This reduces the stress on your gut.
Hemorrhoids treatment could also work out well with bilberry leaf; a natural remedy.

To the doctor for hemorrhoids

If you can treat hemorrhoids at home right? Then it is important that you go to your doctor with symptoms persist.
Especially when you also are suffering is different from an abnormal bowel movement and color of your stool, such as black, with blood and foam.
Even if you are light-headed and dizzy, it is imperative that you consult a doctor for treatment of the hemorrhoids.
It will not happen so quickly, but it can prevent you from getting anemia suffer from loss of blood.
A hemorrhoid can 'suffocated' hits and no blood supply gets more death and then gangrene can occur. That's dead, rotting flesh and can be very painful.
The doctor can examine internal (perhaps uncomfortable and unpleasant but necessary). In addition, the doctor may also exclude other (intestinal) diseases with similar symptoms.
If you want you can always ask for another doctor. If you are a woman and your doctor is a man, then you can ask for a female doctor if you feel less tedious.
If needed, there follows a look examination of the large intestine (colonoscopy).
The doctor may possibly refer you to a gastroenterologist; a specialist in gastrointestinal disorders.

Different types of treatments

The doctor will ask you to change your lifestyle. On that you read "prevent hemorrhoids" more in the cup.
He can prescribe medications, but often these are the same creams that you even could get without a prescription.
Your doctor may also do a rubber band on the hemorrhoids so that they die. They fall in principle within a week of your skin off.
Sometimes they injected a chemical liquid by the doctor in the hemorrhoids, causing it to shrink.
Laser and / or infrared treatments hemorrhoids can do let shrivel too. The probability that the hemorrhoids back into is unfortunately present.
If other treatments do not work, and hemorrhoids are persistent and often return can be made to have surgery to cure your hemorrhoids.
The hemorrhoids are then removed or the blood supply is cut off to the tissue.
In addition to fighting the symptoms of hemorrhoids, it is also important to look into the cause of it. So you can better prevent hemorrhoids in the future.

This way you can prevent hemorrhoids

Most people with hemorrhoids themselves will or will not come back in the hand or hemorrhoids.
It is important to change your lifestyle and diet and enough exercise.
You can do a lot of things to prevent hard stools. Because as you may have read is a bad stool often the culprit of hemorrhoids.


first of all eat plenty of fiber, preferably not from wheat products, but from vegetables (such as turnip greens, brussels sprouts and broccoli) and fruit (such as strawberries and cherries).
Also, beans, legumes, nuts (such as walnuts) and seeds (such as alfalfa) are good for supporting your bowel movements.
Fermented foods like kefir or sauerkraut are also very good for your intestinal flora.
Gluten according to many nutritionists for many people a detrimental effect on the digestive system. Eat this so rather not or sparingly.
Eat as little as possible sugar, no processed products and no fried foods / food with trans fats. Prefer no red meat. Opt for chicken and fish.
Do not drink too much caffeine and alcohol. Drink enough (filtered) water, preferably about 8-10 glasses per day. Start the day with a glass of water on an empty stomach; optionally with sole (salt solution), lemon and ginger.
Do not drink just before, during or after meals.
Do not eat chewing gum or drink soft drinks.
Chew your food and take time to eat.
As a supplement to your diet, you can use probiotics, flaxseed and oat and wheat bran.
Make sure you do not get diarrhea by overstimulation, because it irritates hemorrhoids.
With the above tips, you can prevent hemorrhoids and they will heal faster.

Improve your bowel movements

Do not put it off defecate; Go right when you feel pressure. Try to relax properly, deep breathing in and out and take time. Use wet toilet paper without alcohol.
Try a tool through which you get to sit in a crouching position: the 'squatty potty.
This is a kind of stool that you put under your toilet so you can easily, quickly and completely empty the bowel and get less constipated.
The puborectale muscle with your sphincter ensures that you can hold your stool can not relax completely in the posture during a normal toileting.
With this tool succeed that much better. Incidentally works better than a stool.

Other measures

Try to avoid too much stress. Stress is disastrous for your gut and works-inflammatory.
You can do relaxation exercises such as yoga.
Also consider critical to your medication. Many medications have side effects and certain antibiotics can bring your gut flora significantly out of balance.
Do you regularly have long been suffering from hemorrhoids?
What treatments have you undergone to date and you cure hemorrhoids?
Do you have tips on how to talk to others about this, or tips on good treatment methods?
We hope that we can initiate the call through this article so having hemorrhoids more is taken out of the taboo atmosphere.

 See more ..... http://bit.ly/2eP2uxV

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